Rob Smith, Founder of African Gems & Minerals started collecting Minerals and Gemstones way back in the 60’s. He later established African Gems & Minerals in 1984 -32 years ago, to grow the company to what it is today. With four branches and a team, specializing in Gemstones, Minerals, Crystals, Fossils, and Mining Antiques from across Central and Southern African regions and the rest of the World.
Rob has travelled Africa extensively all his life, 25 years of this with two 4×4’s and two Rubber Ducks (where the 4×4’s did not go the Rubber Ducks did!) to collect Gems and Minerals in the remotest of places all across Africa and the world.
Rob has travelled down the mighty Zambezi River from the source on a few occasions, crossed the Lakes of Central Africa and Island hopped in Northern Mozambique many times in search of really good Gems and Minerals.
Rob has a large personal collection of Tsumeb Minerals and has a fabulous collection of Rough and Cut African gems. He also has a large collection of Antique Mining Memorabilia from Gold and Diamond Scales, Theodolites, Microscopes, Cocopans (ore carts) and a collection of rare and old Books and Maps on early Diamond and Gold Mining in South Africa which are all now out of print.
Collecting good specimens today is tough and over the last 8 years Rob has bought a staggering 35, major Tsumeb Mineral collections in Southern Africa.
Rob was instrumental in securing and promoting the fabulous original “Ajoite included Quartz” find from Messina / Musina in the 1980’s and was of late instrumental in developing the market for Spirit Quartz (also known as Cactus Quartz). Over 60 tons has moved through his hands in the past few years. Your one stop genuine and authentic crystals shop!!
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